What’s Happening In Munster

Your Munster Community Association (MCA)  2019 -2020 Executive

President – Dave Tellier
Vice-President – Jude Sammon
Secretary – Barb Moulton
Treasurer – Bruce Ewen
Recreation – Gabriella Beyer
Social Director – Tami Campbell
Membership – Genn Browne
Community Centre – Iain Clogg
Webmaster – Jessica Breckenridge
Environment – Susan McDonald
Communications (Newsletter) – Georgia Read
Youth – Connel Browne

Additional Information can be found at the Munster On-Line Web Site.

The MCA meets on the third Thursday of every month at Danby’s beginning at 6:30 pm (subject to change, please check MCA Facebook Group for any changes to a scheduled meeting). Everyone is welcome.

MCA Newsletters

MCA newsletters are published several times each year.  Past issues along with the current issue are available at this Munster On-Line web page.


Groups and Activities:

Munster Library

The Ottawa Public Library – Munster Branch is located in the old Anglican Church east of the stop signs corner of Munster and Bleeks Roads.

Library hours are:
Monday: 10:00 – 1:00 and 4:00 – 8:30

Tuesday through Thursday – 4:00 – 8:30

Friday: Closed

Saturday: 10:00 – 2:00

Sunday: Closed

Indoor Walking

Munster Elementary School gymnasium – no longer available
A reminder that Beckwith Township has Walking Program.  It’s free and on an indorr track.

Skating Rinks

We are very fortunate to have two outdoor skating rink pads for the enjoyment of everyone.  It is operated and maintained by the MCA.  To keep the rink in fine form it requires volunteer time for flooding, shovelling, and maintaining the change room.  If you, your family, you and your neighbours enjoy the rink or would like to see others enjoying the rink, please consider getting together to form a crew or help out people on several occasions.  It only takes a few hours one night a week if there are enough volunteers.  If you aren’t interested in the outdoor work yet still have some time to offer, consider the time to close the change room in the evening.  To offer some time, contact anyone on the MCA Executive.

1st Munster Beavers

Unfortunately we must announce that we will suspending activities in 2018-2019.  Over the past five years, we’ve had a Beav er Colony and a Cub Pack in Munster.  We need volunteers to keep our programs going and give great experiences to your youth.  Scouting has existed in Munster for longer than 40 years and we are not closing the door on Scouting.  If you would like to help in any way, please contacxt Duncan Toswell, Group Commissioner, 1st Munster Scouts at [email protected]

Munster Playgroup

Mondays and Fridays, 9:30 to 11:30 am at Munster Community Centre

The Playgroup is a casual drop-in program for parents and caregivers.  Sessions run throughout the school year Monday and Friday mornings from 9:30 – 11:30.  During warmer weather, outdoor play may also be a component. Participants are asked to bring indoor shoes and snack.

Contact: Mel Cuthbert at [email protected].

Wednesday Morning Coffee Time (and Kids Play Time)

Due to Covid -19, this activity has been tempor arily cancelled.

Wednesdays during the school year, 9:30 to 11:00 am at Munster United Church

Munster United Church holds a Wednesday morning get together for children and with moms, dads, caregivers, and grandparents.  The coffee and play time  run during the school year and includes cookies and juice for the kids and cookies with coffee or tea for the adults.  Toys for the children offer a great play time for kids to become friends and cooperate with other kids.  It is also a social time for the adults.

There is no need to be part of this or any church to be welcome.  Our doors open at 9:30 am and we go until 11:00 am.  Many come to the church following Story Time at the Library which ends at 10:00 am but all are welcome at 9:30 if you’re not going to Story Time.

Every welcome to drop in.  Participants provide the cookies on a rotational basis.  Pat Lindsey manages the sign-up sheet for cookie volunteers.

Munster Judo Club

September to May, various days and times at Munster Elementary School

Our club is well established and has been in operation for several decades.  Practices take place on Monday and Thursday nights at Munster Elementary School from 8:15 to 10:00 pm and Saturday mornings from 10:00 to noon.  Programs run from September to the end of May.  The weeknight classes are generally for older kids and adults.  Saturday mornings are open to participants of ages 6 to 65.

Seven black belt instructors teach the program.  The cost is $135 for the year.  Additional costs would be for the uniform or Judo-gi) and registration with the provincial Judo body.  Guests are always welcome to watch a class.

Register through the City of Ottawa.  Watch for 2018-2019 program details.  Contact: Karen or Mike Heney at 613 – 838 4453

Munster Community Centre and Rentals

The Munster Community Centre is available for rental.  Rates and availability can be checked at the Munster On-Line web site.

Munster Leisure Lob Ball

We are in our 36th year for the Munster Leisure Lobball League.

League Objectives:
– must be 18 years of age or older to register by May 1, 2018
– mixed non-competitive league
– have fun and meet your neighbours in the community.

LEISURE league – come out and enjoy a LEISURELY game of ball on either Friday Evening or Sunday Afternoon – no long weekend games!

VISIT OUR WEBSITE – www.leaguelineup.com//mllb

Congratulations to Danbys Restaurant

Danbys Restaurant in the Munster Plaza has celebrated 10 years with and serving us.  We thank you for everything you have done in our community; the support you have given area organizations, groups, and teams; and serving great food.  For anyone who doesn’t know, a number of members of the Munster United Church drop into Danbys for breakfast following the service of worship.

Thank You to Bonny at Mac’s Milk

As most people know Mac’s Milk is closing the store here in Munster.  For pretty much everyone it will be missed and especially for a number of people, it will be really missed when starting to prepare a meal and find they have run out of something.  It will take a while for us to accept and realize what is about to happen next week.

Around 9:30 am Friday, 28 April several people gathered to drop in at Munster’s Mac’s Milk to express the thanks of the Munster Community to Bonny.  To show how much we appreciate all Bonny and Mac’s Milk has done to support our community, three plants were presented to Bonny.  Hugs accompanied the plants.  It was a sad moment but in it Munster expressed their thanks to several dedicated people.

Flowers at the ready to present to Bonny of Mac's Milk in Munster
Flowers at the ready to present to Bonny of Mac’s Milk in Munster
Presenting on of three plants to Bonny of Mac's Milk in Munster
Presenting on of three plants to Bonny of Mac’s Milk in Munster
Mac's Milk in transition - a sad sight and thought for Munsterites. Certainly not the way we remember the fully stocked shelves. The absence of Mac's Milk in Munster will take time to sink in but will be known right away for a fair number of people in need of something
Mac’s Milk in transition – a sad sight and thought for Munsterites. Certainly not the way we remember the fully stocked shelves. The absence of Mac’s Milk in Munster will take time to sink in but will be known right away for a fair number of people in need of something