Pastoral Charge Groups
Bible Study
Due to Covid – 19, Bible Study had been cancelled until further notice.
Youth Group
This charge activity ran for a number of years and gave youth from both churches a chance to get together for recreational activities as well as supporting community events (usually in Munster). they engaged in fundraising for a charity of their choice. Unfortunately they no longer meet on a regular basis but if you attend any community activities in Munster, you are very likely to see some of the youth helping. Their enthusiasm and sense of community involvement is contagious and we appreciate them very much!
Official Board
The Official Board is the governing body of the Pastoral Charge. It is composed of
– from Ashton United Church – Elders (members of the Session), Stewards and Trustees, a representative of each of the United Church Women and the Sunday School.
– from Munster United Church – Council and a representative of each of the United Church Women and the Sunday School.
– the Minister.
The Board meets regularly to discuss and plan items such as service schedule (e.g. summer service times), the annual Charge picnic, special worship services, and other business at this level.